
Volunteer Tutor

It is a passion of mine to help students who are stuggling in class and who might not have access to the same resources as some others do. For this reason, I choose to volunteer every week to tutor public middle and high school students in math and science through the Caltech Y Rise Program. I also volunteer tutor online for Pasadena City College students.

Volunteer Judge for California Science and Engineering Fair (CSEF)

It was my pleasure to serve on a panel of judges in the California Science and Engineering Fair (CSEF) for its Physics & Astronomy (Senior) Category Award and honourable mentions in April 2024.

Volunteer Judge for International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) Selection

I served on a panel of 5 judges to select delegates from finalists of the Orange County Science & Engineering Fair (OCSEF) to proceed on to the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in March 2024. We conducted interviews of the students and had the opportunity to move for the top projects for final consideration as ISEF Finalists or Alternates.

Astronomy, Mathematics and Physics Society (AMPS)

At Bishop's University, I co-founded and co-lead the Astronomy, Mathematics and Physics Society (AMPS) for the three years I was there. This involved organizing meetings with our over 60 recruited members, coding and managing a publicly-accessible club website, organizing physics and astronomy-related AMPS projects and events (such as sky viewings at the university observatory, graduate school preparation seminars, physics trivia nights, math integration bees, etc.), creating detailed budgets of event expenses, and contacting speakers.

For more information, here is its website.

Note-taker for the Student Accessibility & Accommodation Services

At Bishop's University, I took course notes for students with accessibility needs for about 10 classes. Here is a sample of notes from Introduction to Computer Science (CS201) at Bishop's University,